
Sandile Rasmeni

The most memorable experience I had during my entire FNB graduate year was with The Networking Company. Having previously worked in corporate, I believed that I understood everything there was to know about the workplace; yet, after attending this fantastic course, I discovered I still had a lot to learn.

My perspective of myself in the job began to shift after taking the renowned Kedibone Mooi’s Personal Mastery course. This was because I understood I needed to balance my relational currency with my technical currency. In addition to honing my technical talents, I’ve learned how to deliberately build strategic relationships in the workplace that help me do technical tasks swiftly.

I have come across many challenges this year in terms of adapting to a high paced and high performing environment. However, by applying intentionality and resilience to every challenge presented to me, I was able to deliver the expected outcome. The one quote that keeps me going that was shared by Kedibone Mooi is “go through life casually, you might become a casuality”.

I am truly grateful for the lifelong teachings that I will apply to both my personal and professional life. I would want to express my gratitude to Jessica for her unwavering promptness, patience, and understanding. I hope that The Networking Company will continue to shape graduate’s careers.

"No-one is coming...
...You are the one you've been waiting for!"

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