
Namhla Madiba

I intentionally enrolled for the Masedi program at a time when I was in a space of transitioning. I was unraveling at the time, shedding what was no longer needed, to make room for who I was becoming.

“No one is coming. You are the one you have been waiting for”
Those words, which I had heard plenty of times before, seemed to really drop into my spirit at the opening of the program.

I went into Masedi thinking that I was there to elevate my career, to climb the ladder higher, to get more recognition at work.

But really I was there to fetch myself, to evolve into my most authentic self, to identify and let go of what no longer served me and to see and hear myself.

The Masedi journey was not easy. It challenged my limiting beliefs and need for external validation. The facilitators shared their own personal journeys, challenges and triumphs, giving the course a very human feel.

Masedi gave me seeds to plant the change I want to see and be, for myself first and fully. I believe I will be reaping the fruit of those seeds for long time to come.

"No-one is coming...
...You are the one you've been waiting for!"

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