
Sandika Daya

“No one is coming.” Those were the words plastered across the room (and on the sneakers I coveted) as a wake-up call in the introduction session last year with Helen Nicholson.

Throughout the year, facilitator after facilitator spoke about how no one is coming. From a story of the girl waiting for Prince Charming to the hard working woman waiting for someone to promote her based on her work speaking for her. No one is coming to rescue you! All you have is you. And the tribe of women who came together every month and helped each other when every challenge they faced seemed bigger than themselves.

Today, I graduated from the Advancing Women’s Mentorship Programme that I can honestly say was life changing. I intentionally wore my “It’s my turn to take a selfish” hoodie because it was really a theme of me choosing to prioritise my growth amidst the chaos of life. I selfishly attended every single masterclass and check-in session because this was important for my growth. I implemented every learning and helped inspire others in their journey.

"No-one is coming...
...You are the one you've been waiting for!"

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